Debunking The Debate Between Expeller Pressed Versus Cold Pressed Oil

When processors start comparing various oilseed extraction methods and machines, they often ask us about the difference between expeller pressed versus cold pressed oil extraction. Unfortunately, this question doesn’t quite make sense — and here’s why. Comparing expeller pressed versus cold pressed oil equipment What processors are really asking about is the difference between hot…

Understanding Steel Supply Chain Shortages And Delays From The Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic continues to disrupt the global supply chain, with widespread shortages and shipping delays impacting nearly every industry. From basic consumer goods like food and electronics all the way to industrial equipment, product scarcity is pushing up prices and slowing down deliveries across sectors—including the steel supply chain that sustains Anderson International. Manufacturers…

Cut Costs In Your Mechanical Oil Processing Plant With Extrusion

In the past few years, mechanical oil processing plants have been slowly but steadily increasing their average processing threshold. Just five years ago, the idea of a 500 ton-per-day (TPD) mechanical plant would have sounded crazy, but today, it’s not uncommon to see processors pursuing larger-scale plants to stay competitive. While large-scale processing plants have…